Ho, Ho, Ho! Happy Holidays From Everyone At Carscoops!

Let’s start this holiday message with a deep breath in. Hold it… hold it… and release. Phew. Okay, we made it. We may not be with family today and the holidays may be different than we’re used to, but we made it. And you know what? That’s worth celebrating.

In recognition, we’re going to be taking it easy today, kicking up our heels, sipping on some eggnog, and opening what gifts the hard working people at the post office managed to get to us. Remember when we had to make the post office sexy? That was weird.

We have been planning ahead, though, so if your Christmas is a little less full of activity than usual, we’ll have some new stuff for you to read. We’re all in this together.

And I think that’s worth recognizing. Even though the year has been painful, it’s important to remember that the lockdowns, the vaccines, all of the work we’ve been putting into making the ‘20s better are a sign of the deep love and connectedness and ingenuity we all share. Every mask is an investment in the future, each missed loved one is a promise to meet again.

So let’s crack open the sherry, don some ugly sweaters, fire up the Zoom machines, and laugh at the giant bows we see on TV car commercials while secretly harboring the desire to see a big red bow in our own driveaway!

To everyone who celebrates, we wish you a very Merry Christmas, and to all the rest of you, Happy Holidays from the whole team at Carscoops!

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Opening image credits Bugatti