<aLate Paperwork Saved Fernando Alonso's 7th Place Finish in Austin

Late Paperwork Saved Fernando Alonso’s 7th Place Finish in Austin </p> <p class=”sc-77igqf-0 bOfvBY”><span><a class=”sc-1out364-0 hMndXN sc-145m8ut-0 cYiQhX js_link” href=”https://www.formula1.com/en/latest/article.alonsos-us-grand-prix-penalty-overturned-after-alpine-appeal.S3CO2xledwNu0oYCDgbGW.html” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer”></span> The FIA has actually now reversed Alonso’s penalty after a charm from Alpine. The decision wasn’t made due to the fact that the stewards changed their minds about how damaged Alonso was. Haas had filed their demonstration 24 minutes after the marked deadline. While the state of Alonso’s mangled automobile wasn’t the subject of the protest, the FIA is going to examine the black-and-orange flag’s usage and also how cars are deemed damaged to a harmful degree.</p>

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